Sunday, October 16, 2011

Today, Sports is the Opium of the People

While Marx famously quoted "religion is the opiate of the masses" suggesting that the middle and lower (economic) classes were placated by religous doctrine such as "the meek shall inheret the earth" and "a camel has more chance to pass through the eye of needle than a rich man has to assend to the kingdom of God" today, particularly in the United States, "the people" are often living vicariously through the day to day or week to week potential success of their favorite sports teams, feeling somehow that even if we have little control of our own politcal or economic lives, who needs political or social postions when we, "the people", can reign supreme over the world on any given sunday and/or during any season throughout the year if the home team wins.

1 comment:

  1. An interesting idea, yet I'm wondering if the masses feel far more involved with the silly world of American Idol and similar nonsense. An American is far more likely to vote for the latest bad singer than their local congressman.
